Deposit Accounts

Current Account

Make everyday banking a breeze with our current account and enjoy checking convenience and quick access to your funds. A simple solution to help manage your day-to-day finances. There's no monthly service fee.



Minimum Initial Deposit KHR 2,000,000.00 USD 500.00
Maintain Balance KHR 400,000.00 USD 100.00
Interest Rate 0% p.a. 0% p.a.
Check Book KHR 20,000.00
*per check book
USD 5.00
*per check book
Returned Check KHR 120,000.00
*per returned check due to insufficient funds
USD 30.00
*per returned check due to insufficient funds
KHR 40,000.00
*per returned check due to other reasons
USD 10.00
*per returned check due to other reasons
Stopped Check KHR 80,000.00
*per piece
USD 20.00
*per piece
KHR 200,000.00
*per check book
USD 50.00
*per check book
Early A/c closure within 6 months KHR 80,000.00 USD 20.00
A/c Inactive for 6 months KHR 60,000.00 USD 15.00
Minimum Overdraft Fee KHR 80,000.00 USD 20.00

Non-personal (corporates, societies & clubs)


Minimum Initial Deposit KHR 4,000,000.00 USD 1,000.00
Maintain Balance KHR 400,000.00 USD 100.00
Interest Rate 0% p.a. 0% p.a.
Check Book KHR 20,000.00
*per check book
USD 5.00
*per check book
Returned Check KHR 120,000.00
*per returned check due to insufficient funds
USD 30.00
*per returned check due to insufficient funds
KHR 40,000.00
*per returned check due to other reasons
USD 10.00
*per returned check due to other reasons
Stopped Check KHR 80,000.00
*per piece
USD 20.00
*per piece
KHR 200,000.00
*per check book
USD 50.00
*per check book
Early A/c closure within 6 months KHR 80,000.00 USD 20.00
A/c Inactive for 6 months KHR 60,000.00 USD 15.00
Minimum Overdraft Fee KHR 80,000.00 USD 20.00



Past Statement Request KHR 4,000.00
*per month
USD 1.00
*per month
KHR 40,000.00
*per year
USD 10.00
*per year
Balance Confirmation KHR 20,000.00
*per request
USD 5.00
*per request
Audit Confirmation KHR 80,000.00
*per request+postage (if applicable)
USD 20.00
*per request+postage (if applicable)
Letter of Reference KHR 40,000.00
*per request
USD 10.00
*per request
Standing Order KHR 20,000.00
*per payee
USD 5.00
*per payee
Salary Payment Instructions FREE FREE